Saturday, February 27, 2010

~the HARDEST thing about blogging

When I blogged in the past, it was always so darn hard for me to not be drawn to the many of blogs out there. There are SOO many! There are happy blogs, crafty blogs, cooking blogs, political blogs, mommy blog. But the ones that always get me are the type of blogs that bring me to the point I'm at tonight. The sweet girl pictured above is probably on her last days of life. LOOK AT HER SWEET FACE. Should she be dying? NO! When I read these blogs I am impaced so much, I can't hardly function. I was sitting watching my boys play hockey today and I'm wondering to myself... Really, there is this little girl dying in her mommies arms & I'm out enjoying myself. NOT FAIR!
I don't know why I'm drawn to all these blogs where children are sick and fighting for their lives or even blogs where grown people are dying. WHY? It breaks my heart & I feel the pain so deep that I stop functioning normally. With beautiful Layla I keep heading back to her twitter updates because I'm so worried & so upset.
Is anyone else like this? Do you cry out to God in pain when you read about the things in life that aren't fair? Seriously, I would go through the pain of being widowed 100x over to save all the children in the world.
Would you please pray for Layla Grace & her beautiful family? Like me you probably don't know then personally, but just put yourself in their shoes.
I do believe in miracles & think that a miracle could happen to this sweet baby girl. I'm hoping & praying.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My missing BLOG

Have you noticed? I've been out of the blogging world for a while. And I really missed it. I went away because I had so many people judging me for my feelings & what I was writing on my blog...

well GUESS WHAT???????

I'm back!!! I'm back to the bloggity blog world! And if someone doesn't care what I write, or if you take it personal, thats your problem, NOT MINE!

This blog is of my journey in life. My journey living, loving, and sometimes even hating. It's mine to own and no one elses. So I hope that as you read this you respect it.

I have thought about taking my blog "private", which could still happen, BUT I think that could point fingers as to who I don't really care to read my most initmate deepest thoughts! So, I'll stick it out for now.

So, here is my jorney TAKE 2...