She's 7 months old today- I can't believe it. I'm really not ready for her to be 7 months already. I sort of feel like I was just pregnant with her... I guess they all grow at some time or another.
Here are some (7 for her 7th month) things I love love love about this girlie!!
1~ She has the most BEAUTIFUL blue eyes that can melt any heart
2~She's crawling like a mad woman- I don't remember any of my other kids crawling this soon or much!!
3~ She said "mamamama" 4X now, I wonder if she really associates the word with me? I hope so!
4~ She is a REALLY GOOD baby. She hardly ever cries (only when she bonks her head on the hard floor) and she is FULL of smiles
5~She still loves her sister and brothers. After a day of them at school she is SO happy to see them arrive home! She smiles and squeels with delight.
6~ She claps her hands when she's happy... I say "Yay" and she claps. (her daddy and brother mason taught her that)
7~ She is still utterly perfect in my eyes, and I can't imagine my life with her.
~I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall decorations!~
I have been decorating for the season. I love fall time. The crisp air and the breeze are the best (mind you today we had 80F degree weather and NO wind! I liked that too). In Canada thanksgiving is in October so my fall decoration can come down in november and I can start the Christmas decorations, but really I'm not ready- fall can last a little longer! Here is a bit of what I've done- enjoy!
1 comment:
I have started voting for your beauty! She is by far the prettiest so should win anyway! Cannot wait for my parcel to reach you now...
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