Friday, February 13, 2009

~to my oldest with love.....

My sweet A, you have no idea how very much I love you and when I think about the beautiful young woman you've become I just beam!! Last night was one of those nights. You sat down at the computer and wrote a speech all by yourself. Dad called me down to the basement before I went to bed and here is what I found written out on the computer:
Hi my name is Alyssa Igarta vote for me because I will make the school a better place. I will make recess longer. I will give out free candy. I will allow pets in the school. There will be no homework. So vote for me.
It was so adorable and I just beamed! You wrote that with no assistance from dad or I! My how your growing...
As I was just nodding off to sleep dad came up to show me what he had found in your room before he went to bed:
You had lost your tooth and apparently wanted to leave a letter to the tooth fairy. It was so cute to see that you took it upon yourself to ensure that your wants were known by TF. I didn't even know you wrote that letter- but man o man did that letter just top off the speech you wrote for school! It just keeps getting better every day...

Then there was the time I took you to your first official concert- it was the canadian idol tour concert- and it was soo fun. You and I were the only ones in the audience that were hooping and hollaring! The guys loved it! I loved how big you were when you went and got your shirt autographed by all the Idols! You just keep getting older and older every day!
There is a few things that I want you to work on in life... I want you to learn to CLOSE your dresser drawers and to keep your room neat and tidy- here is photo proof that you are a PIG when it comes to keeping your room cleaned up! Now... My one recommendation is that you get it clean and keep it clean!

I love you my Punky monkey and know that whatever you choose to do in life you'll be successful at... your an amazing little girl and I am so so proud to be your mommy~


Rachel Berry said...

What a sweet post! How fun that you got to attend an Canadian Idol concert. And love her no homework on her speech. What a cutie!

Yarngoddess said...

That post made me want to cry....ok it did make me cry! Very sweet! She is so beautiful and wonderfull!

Pinktulip said...

As parents we love our kids faults and all. Nobody is perfect. But I do wish my boys will learn to make their beds and hang up wet towels. I live in hope!